Marten Toonder
Tom Poes Vertellingen. De Bezige Bij, 1949. Clothbacked edition. Some edgewear, fairly good copy + Tom Poes en de Watergeest, Bezige Bij, 1950. In halflcloth, 61 pp. Small damp stain bottom right, good copy + Het Toverkruid. H. Smith Groningen, picture card album, c. 1955. Complete with all picture cards. Halfcloth. Fair copy with edgewear and ± 2 cm paper loss bottom left front board + Tom Poes en de Laarzenreuzen, De Muinck & Co, Amsterdam, 1948. In halfcloth. Light wear to corners and edges, clean copy + Panda en de Meesterdief. De Bezige Bij, clothbacked hc, 1950. Small damp stain bottom right, name on title p., else clean copy.
(total 5)