Eight manuscripts: (1-5) Set of 5 (secret) manuscript missives "Aan den Raad van Indië"
"om met terugzending te dienen van Consideratien en Adviea", each in the shape of a folio-size bifolium with pre-printed data completed by hand, dated 1 October 1836 to 10 November 1838, 3x with extra bifolia with additional text (occ. frayed and/ or sl. tanned).
Interesting official, signed documents, with the documents of 1 and 5 October 1836 marked in pen as "Geheim" (secret). These documents concern the possible replacement of the "plotseling zoodanig ongesteld geworden" Panembahan of Pamakadang, should he die. The document dated 6 April 1837 is titled "Missive Resident van Djocjacarta (...) ter goedkeuring aanbiedende eenige kontakten voor den inhuur van landen aldaar". The document of 1 March 1837 "Missive Directeur Generaal van Financien" discusses the authorisation of large sums of money for the Factorij der Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij. The document dated 11 November 1837 is by far the most extensive at 16 written pages. This document has a long title and treats the "Misbruiken en bezwaren op de bevolking drukkende, onder anderen tengevolge van een voortdurend verblijf van des Residents gezin in de Passangrahan te Palje; en deszelfs herhaalde reizen aldaar". Added: (6) a letter to the Amsterdam board of the Factorij der Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij Batavia, dated 5 December 1854, in which Joannes Tideman and two others of the Nederlandsch Zendeling genootschap request three money orders; (7) an "Extract uit de notulen van (...) in Rade van India", dated 19 June 1742; (8) a document, falling apart, related to the freemason "Loge de Vergenoeging" at Curaçao, sent from Surabaya. (total 8)