
LOT 924
SOLD €420,00

[Hoeksche Waard] Atlas van den Hoekschen Waard,

Bevattende de kaarten van de gemeenten Goudswaard, Piershil, Nieuw-Beijerland, Zuid-Beijerland, Goidschalxoord, Heineoord, Mijnsheerenland van Moerkerken, Westmaas, Klaaswaal, Numansdorp, Puttershoek, Maasdam, 's Gravendeel, Strijen en Strijense-sas. Overeenkomstig de kadastrale kaarten, vervaardigd door J.H. Kips. The Hague, J. Kips, J.H. Zoon, 1835, 3 letterpress leaves followed by lithographed general map and 16 handcoloured partial maps, original printed cardboard, large folio.

Very poor but complete copy, maps loose and several frayed/ with (small) tears (map of Nieuw-Beijerland in two parts); general map damaged in head margin; binding with heavy wear. Most maps in good condition, nevertheless sold w.a.f.

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