[Archive of Wim Beeren] 5 items: (1) In relatie tot kunst. Opstellen over moderne kunst
kunstenaars, kunstpolitiek en kunstkritiek. Academisch proefschrift (...) door Wilhelmus Aart Louis Beeren. Promotor Dr. H.L.C. Jaffé. 1976, (8),202,(9) p., original wrapper, 4to (wrapper toned).
With inlaid ephemeral printings conc. the thesis. With (2) a file (with title "Apolinnaire") with highly extensive original annotations for the thesis and several letters in pen to Wim Beeren by Louis Jaffé; (3) "Herfst en winter 1970-1971. Tilburg Haamstede". Photobook with 45 inserted photos related to Wim Beeren, rexine ringbinder in 4to-size. And with 2 notebooks. (total 5)