[Theology] (1) Beschrijvinghe, Van Godt en zijne eyghenschappen
In Hollant by Schepen vonnisse gedoemt, openbaerlick geexecuteert, en met vyer verbrant A(no) 1642 in Ianuario. Hier is by ghevoeght F. Socini. Leven en daden. Rakow, Sebastiaen Sternatzki, [c. 1650]. (2) An Answer to the request to Protestants, to produce Plain Scriptures directly authorizing these tenets. [William Sherlock, in ms. on title]. London, Thomas Basset, 1687.
(1) Small 4to, vellum, title with typographical vignette, (2), 380 and 25 pp. Johannes Crellius (Jan Crell) was the most important theologian of the Socinian or Polish Brethren and unitarian (not accepting the holy Trinity). Bound together with the biography of Fausto Sozzini [Fausti Socini]. Following advise from Leiden University, the works of Socini and Crellius were seized and partly destroyed. Rare.
(2) Small 4to, halfleather, cased boards, title with ms. author's name, 18 pp. Ann. in pencil to endpaper. Sherlock was an anti-papist and kept up a polemic with the king's chaplain, but renounced his error in order to secure his pension. (total 2)