[France and surrounding nations] Itinerarium Galliae, ita accommodatum,
Ut ejus ductu mediocri tempore tota Gallia obiri, Anglia & Belgium addiri possint (...) Cum appendice de Burdigala. Jodocus Sincirus [J. Zinzerling]. Amsterdam, 1649. First Amsterdam edition.
12mo, turned vellum, illus. frontispiece by J. van Meurs, title with vignette, (16),340 pp. + index. Separate title before the appendix, still consecutively paged. Complete with 22 folding copper-engraved plans of Nancy, Sedan, Paris, Orléans, Moulins-en-Gilbert, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier, Marseille, Orange, Lyon, Rouen, London, Amiens, Calais, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Leyden, Amsterdam and Geneva. Tightly bound. Very good copy of this first Amsterdam edition.