[Jollain print bible] Two vols. with separate title pages: (1) La saincte bible
contenant le vieil et le nouveau testament enrichie de plusiers belle figures. Sacra biblia novo et vetero testamento (...). Paris, G. Jollain, n.d. (c. 1670?), with engraved title page and 148 plates by Jollain/ François Campion, 19th-century finely decorated gilt green morocco, oblong 8vo.
Occ. sl. stained; title page with repaired small tear, leaf 5 with supported outer margin. Good copy; (2) La vie et les miracles de Iesus Christ. Tiré du nouveau testame[n]t. Vita et miracula Christi ex novo testamento. Ibid., idem, n.d. (c. 1670?), engraved title and 120 plates by Jollain/ François Campion, uniformly bound with the previous work and with the same size. Plates 12 and 13 trimmed short and mounted (originally from another copy); outer margin of the title neatly enlarged with strip; mostly with brown stain to upper left corner, several plates else stained or with minor other defects. Splendid and rare print bible.