[Folio edition] Emanuels Van Meteren Historie der Neder-landscher
ende haerder Na-buren oorlogen ende Geschiedenissen tot den jare 1612. The Hague, Weduwe en Erfghenamen van wijlen Hillebrant Jacobssz. van Wouw, Anno 1635. Met privilegie. [1636 in central frame of frontispiece].
2 vols. with in the first vol. the illus. frontispiece with the title. Folio, uniformly bound, title on spine in red, black and gilt stamping. (12) pp., 352-671 ff (= 1342 pp.) [consecutively paged] + the biography of Emanuel van Meteren and the register [unpaginated]. Complete with the sl. folding double-page map of the Netherlands: Nova Germaniae Inferioris by Nicolaas van Geelkerken and verso the description of this map; the portrait of the author at the front of the second vol. and a large number of copper-engraved portraits in the text with caption in both vols. Very good set. (total 2)