[Martin Chemnitz etc.] Harmonia quatuor evangelistarum
a theologis celeberrimis D. Martino Chemnitio primum inchoata: D. Polycarpo Lysero post continuata: atque D. Johanne Gerhardo tandem felicissimè absoluta (...). Geneva, P. Chouët, 1645-1655, 2 parts in 3 vols., (32),1421,(122); (8),437,(13),(12); 491,(19); (12),501,(19),(8),480,(17) p., contemporary uniform blindstamped vellum with ribbed back, folio.
Endpapers detached from boards (turned edges of vellum warped); small tear to upper joint of first vol. Bindings sl. stained. The first vol. (dated 1655) comprises the original work by Martin Chemnitz, and the additions by Polycarp Lyser. Vol. 2 (5 chapters in 2 vols., both dated 1645) comprises the additions by Johann Gerhard. (total 3)