[Costume. Deluxe copy] Nederlandsche kleederdragten, naar de natuur geteekend
door Valentyn Bing en Braet von Ueberfeldt. Costumes des Pays-Bas, desiné d'après nature par (...). 1e Série 56 pl. Amsterdam, Frans Buffa en Zonen, 1850-1857, (32) p., with 56 handcoloured and gum-heightened, lithographed plates, contemporary halfmorocco by N.A. van Beest (Utrecht), gilt and ribbed back, large folio (57.7 x 42.5 cm.) (joints trifle torn in).
A very good copy with fine wide margins, of one of the finest Dutch costume books. Moreover a deluxe copy, with the plates splendidly entirely handcoloured (with the regular edition only the costumes have been handcoloured). Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 242; F.M. 7270.