[AB-books] ABC in living models. Bookano Series
England, c. 1948. With 7 pop-ups. Inscription 'Xmas, 1948' on endpaper + Jean de la Fontinelle. Alphabet. Ed. Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1949. Halfcloth. Boards foxed, else clean copy + Artuse Scheinera, text Mary Voleske. Kulihráškovu Abecedu. Gustav Volesky, Prague, 1927. With transparent dust jacket. Light traces of use + ABC des Animaux. Imagerie Pellerin Épinal, S.I.V.N. Deposé, c. 1900. 10 pp. Book printed on cloth + Hoch-Deutsches Reformirtes ABC- und Ramen-Büchlein für Kinder welche anfangen zu lernen. Neue under verbesserte Ausgabe. Philadelphia, bei Schäfer und Koradi, c. 1850. Binding loose at title p. - and 2 more.
(total 7)