[Satire] Maandelyksche Berichten uit de andere Waerelt; of de spreekende Dooden
Bestaande in Redeneeringen, tussen allerhande verstorvene Potentaten en Personagien van Rang (...) 181e Zamenkomst, Juli 1736, 182e Augusty. 183e September, 184e October, 185e November en 186e December 1736. Amsterdam, Erven J. Ratelband en Comp., 1736.
12mo, halfleather, rebound, 6x illus. frontispiece, 6x title with vignette. The conversations and the actual news consecutively paged 667 and 86 pp. + Bladwyzer. Fictional conversations in the afterlife. Every month closed with actual and mostly global news. Written by the German David Fassman and published at Leipzig from 1718 to 1739. The Dutch translations (partly by J.C. Wyerman) appeared from 1721 to 1754.