Henk J. Meier
De Vrijbuiter. Vlugschrift nummer #. Dec. 1957. 7 pp. Stencilled, private press + Feature. Volume 1, number 1. Ed. Hank Jack Meijer, Amsterdam, 1957. Featuring Niels Augustin. 14 pp. Handdrawn/ stencilled and pasted source version and the publication itself + Vol 1, no. 2 + Plein nos. 1 (?) and 2-4. With contributions by Apie Prins, Bouke Jagt, Henk J. Meier and others + Manuscript. Henk J. Meier. 1957. Stencilled, private press + Contact no. 1-3, 1958. Stencilled, private press (no. 1 with inscription 'Ex H.J. Meier').
(total 10)