Lot with 46 deeds on vellum and paper
In French and Latin (1), dated 16th, 17th and 18th century, most documents with extensive texts, most with signature (no seals), 31 deeds rolled together, paper, several large deeds, rollen up, vellum, size varying from 47 x 37 to 17 x 17 cm, several with 19th-century ann. to the documents. Incl. deeds of inheritance with several legible names: "Comtesse de Willerial, Nicolas, Philipi Gallict" and other deeds incl. "reconnaissance" of "Catherine barbe, barbigier de visau", 1566; one document probably beginning with "Francois fil(s) de France" and signed "par le conseil", c. 1500.
Documents in varying condition and poorly legible. (total 46)