[Humorous novel by Sterne in early Munnikhuisen edition] Sentimenteele reis
door Frankryk en Italien gedaan door den Heer Yorick. [2 parts in one vol.]. Amsterdam, 1778. First ed. Small 8vo, halfleather, title on spine in gilt-stamping, portrait of Laurence Sterne, 2x title, 156 and 162,(1) pp. Translated by Bernardus Brunius. This work appeared one year later as the 5th vol. of the series on Tristam Shandy. Binding with traces of use, loose plasticised wrapper. Good copy. Sterne was an important 18th-century English writer and the first representative of the so-called Sternian literature.
Added: Reize door Engeland, Portugal, Spanje en Frankryk. Joseph Baretti. [4 parts in one vol.]. Amsterdam/ Harlingen, Yntema en Tieboel/ F. van der Plaats, 1778. Half-leather, red plasticised boards. 4x title with vignette, 168,175,173 and 170,(4) pp., waterstaining at the front, else fair. Text in the form of a letter. (total 2)