Beschryvingh van Hollandt
Benevens deszelfs omleggende Landen genaamt Zuyd en Noord-Hollandt. Amsterdam, Pieter Bastiaansz., 1739. Vellum, title on spine and front board with border and typographical motif in gilt stamping. Newer binding and endpapers. Allegorical frontispiece by Laignet after A. Houbraken. Title in red and black with small vignette in copper engraving by I. Wigmana after A. Houbraken, (5),77,(8) pp. and 2 tailpieces in copper engraving. Charming binding. Combined with: Verhaal betrekkelyk het beleg, bombardement en de overgave van Gorinchem, in den winter van 1813 en 1814. D. de Graaff. Gorinchem, J. van der Wal, 1814. XIV,226 pp., title with vignette of the bombardment by J.C. Bendorp. List of subscribers, sticker, stamp and ann. to title page. Good copy + Eene Hollandsche stad. 2 vols.: Middeleeuwen & Bourgondisch-Oostenrijksche Heerschappij. Dr. P.J. Blok. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1883 and 1884.
(total 4)