[Vladimir Lebedev] Russian placards 1917-1922. Le placard Russe 1917-1922
1st part [= all]. Petersburg office of the Russian Telegraph Agency ROSTA. Première série. Placards de l'Agence Thélégraphique Russe (ROSTA) à Pétersbourg. Petersburg, Petersburg Branch of the News of the All-Russia Central Executive Committe ("Isvestia VCIK"), 1923, letterpress title pages and justification in English and French, followed by 23 original colour lithographs by Lebedev, all but one with the original protective tissue with description of the plate in English and French, expertly provided with a replacement wrapper with mounted plate in the style of the original wrapper, 21.3 x 19.3 cm, in matching later slipcase.
The second plate lacks the descriptive tissue (replaced by tissue without the text); from plate 16 on waterstained in tail margin. "The series of placards reproduced in this book were executed by Wladimir Lebedeff for the show-windows of the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA) in Petersburg for agitation purposes. The present edition is the first part of the series illustrating the Russian placards; the second will be published in a short time" (which did not happen).