[N.S.B.] "[Roelf] Bonnema, (kleine) NSB'er te Winschoten. Correspondentie."
"2e WO, Interneringskamp, tribunaal, jaren '70". Portfolio with aforementioned title and short table of contents in pencil to front, containing e.g. a correspondence archive comprising a detailed manuscript report of the last hours of Mussert, Bonnema's sentence of 3 years of internment and a ban on voting and employment as a teacher for 10 years (to Bonnema at Finsterwolde internment camp, 21 March 1947), a manuscript article by him for publishing in Vivos-Voco, a summons from 1937, the manuscript for a (cancelled) radio lecture by Bonnema, an extensive manuscript Sinterklaas poem signed "Veel Houzeetjes, Sint Nicolaas 6/12 '47", many typed letters/ notes from lawyers and attorneys J.H. Bast and H. Douwes to A.A. Bonnema, regarding the case against his brother Roelf Bonnema, and a number of carbon copies of typed notes by A.A. Bonnema to the law office, also appeals/ statements, the programme for a cultural evening, many letters from Bonnema to "Liebe Mutti, lieve tante en Hanneliese" dated 1944 to early 1945, many letters and postcards from Finsterwolde internment camp (on special pre-printed paper and partly with envelopes), a letter from shortly after his release and ± 20 (copies of) letters to Roelf Bonnema from the 1970s.
Personal archive of/ related to school teacher Roelof Willem Bonnema (1912-1996), born in Dortmund and (at the time of several documents in the archive) residing at Huygensstraat 25 in Hilversum.