[Friendship albums etc.] Lot with 3 Dutch albums with manuscript contributions
(1) Souvenir aan Sara Maria Serlé (1854-1871) Middelburg; (2) Album of Anna Jacoba van der Schaft (1860-?), The Hague, with 13 contributions between 1881 and 1883, nearly all extracts copied from De Génestet, with 2 finely illus. pages; (3) unknown owner, 64 pp. between 1915 and 1946. With many devotional text, occasionally romantic thoughts, but also an English soldier's song, ending with the day the war ended and the day her father died. Added: 2 albums in French with texts and 1 in German (Meta Schultz, Wolfenbüttel, c. 1906).
(total 6)