Lot of c. 45 various old graphic artwork, incl.: (1-4) (Dwarves)
Set of 4 engravings of Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasdheid (1720), numbered 1-4, all 16 x 10 cm, all mounted with upper margins on one holder (cut off sl. short).
Incl: (1) "Bombario Actionist en de Geest van Esopus"; (2) "Actieuse Nacht-Wind-Zanger met zyn Tover Slons" (toverlantaarn); (3)"Natuur Actie-Doctor of klap-achtig Bobbel-Meester"; (4) "Directrice der Vervalle Actie-Regimenten; en byzonderlyk van Natuurlyke Lawe Actien"; (5-7) John Boydell (1719-1804). Set of 3 etched faces, 12 x 26 and 15 x 25 cm (2x), 2x signed "J. Boydell delin. et sculp." and numbered 2/ 3 in plate, mounted on holder with upper margins with numbers 8, 10 and 12 in pencil. - and c. 40 various others incl. beautifully engraved portrait of Doctor Fransois Maelson by Johannes Wierix (1592) (FMP 3364, Hollstein 2110, presumably in first condition), a hand-coloured caricatural portrait of Napoleon consisting of different figures, an etched landscape signed "D. Langendijk Fac." in pencil, and an etched landscape by F.A. Milazt. (total c. 45)