[Vienna 1898 and 1914] 1. Internationales Kaiser Jubiläums Schachturnier Wien 1898
Herausgegeben von der Redaction der "Wiener Schachzeitung" H. Fähndrich, A. Halprin. G. Marco. Vienna. Verlag des "Wiener Schach-Club". [1898]. Large 8vo, private binding, halfcloth, title on spine in red and gilt stamping, title with vignette, XIX,351 pp. with opening overview, tables and all games with numerous diagrams. Very good copy, splendidly bound. Dr. Tarrasch won after a closing duel with Pillsbury. LN 5250.
2. Das Internationale Gambitturnier in Baden bei Wien 1914. Georg Marco. 1916. Verlag der Wiener Schachzeitung. Vienna. Large 8vo, private binding, title on spine with gilt stamping, bound with original front board, title, all games, 286 diagrams and a photo of several contestants. Very good copy in beautiful binding. Spielmann won. LN 5318. (total 2)