
LOT 2358
SOLD €80,00

[Ostend 1907 and 4 Dutch tournaments] 1. III. Internationales Schachmeisterturnier

zu Ostende 1907 bearbeitet von R. Teichmann. Schachverlag Bernhard Kagan. Berlin [1907]. Faux-leather with ticket to front board and transparent paper jacket, title with vignette, 336 pp., several photos and tables, opening overview, games and diagrams; various stamps and notes. Winners were Bernstein and Rubinstein. LN 5286.

2. Erstes Int. Schachmeister-Turnier im Haag 1921. B. Kagan. Berlin. Verlag Bernard Kagan [1921]. Sewn, title on wrapper, title with vignette, 100 pp., wrapper with publisher's catalogue. Photos, tables, games and diagrams. Alekhine won. LN5339. 3. Scheveningen 1923. B. Kagan. Verlag Bernard Kagan. Berlin [1923] 2nd improved edition, private binding, 119,(1) pp. Johner and Spielmann won. LN 5362. 4. Zandvoort 1936. H. Kmoch. Leiden. A.W. Sijthoff. 1936. R. Fine won. LN 5547. 5. Analysen van A.V.R.O.'s Wereld-Schaak-Tournooi. Dr. Max Euwe. Amsterdam. AVRO 1938. With photos, tables, games and diagrams. Keres and Fine won. LN 5574. (total 5)

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