
LOT 2373

[French chess magazines] 1. L'Echiquier. Revue Internationale d'Echecs

Directeur: Edmond Lancel. Red. et Admin. Bruxelles. 1930. Complete 6th year in loose nos. 2nd series. no. 13 until 24. LN 5974 and 7 loose nos. from later years. LN 5978 and onwards. 2. 6 nos. of Les Cahiers de l'Echequier Francais. Gaston Legrain. Paris. 1926-35. LN 6032. 4. L'Echiquier de Paris, Paris. 1951-54. 14 loose nos., bi-monthly and 5. Le Monde des Echecs. Marcel Knops. Paris. 2 loose nos. 1946. LN 6043.

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