[Zoology] Dierkundige beschouwingen, Eenige Zoorten van zeldzame Dieren
door naauwkeurige Beschryvingen, Afbeeldingen en Verhandelingen opgeheldert: Vertaald meet aanmerkingen verrykt en thans op nieuw in 't licht gebragt. In VI stukken met plaaten. [P.S. Pallas, trsl. P. Boddaert]. Rotterdam, J.J. Meyneken, [1778].
4to, title on spine in gilt stamping, halfleather with cased boards, half title and title, VI,32; 38; 35; 32; 30 and 28,(2) pp. 6 part titles, complete with 10 handcoloured copper engravings (of which one folding) by J. van Hiltrop and J.J. Bijlaert respectively. Shabby binding, text and plates affected by waterstaining (mostly outside image). Good colouring. Pirate edition without mention of author and translator. Fair copy.