Winterhulp Nederland
Mostly rare printed ephemera from the war years, such as government flyers with instructions, announcements, coupons, typed or stencilled letters, social security requests, lottery items etc.
Incl.: (1-3) A lottery ticket from the Winterhulp-loterij 1944, an original envelope of the Winterhulp-loterij 1941 and a flyer for the 1941 lottery (envelope and ticket with perforation holes); (4) Voor het volk, door het volk. Scholingsorgaan van de Winterhulp Nederland, No. 1, February 1941, 16 p. incl. wrapper, with photographic ills.; (5) Unused cheque for gifts to Winterhulp Nederland, in the original envelope of the Dienst Departement van Binnenlandsche Zaken, with address and postmarked 194? (lacks last digit); (6) Stencilled note signed in pen by D.W. Bernard, with a reprimande (i.e. emotional blackmail) for someone who more than once had neglected to give anything to Winterhulp Nederland and "Hiervan wordt door mij nauwkeurig aanteekening gehouden"; (7-8) Two coupons for Winterhulp Nederland 1943-1944, municipality of Amsterdam, of 1 guilder and 2.50 guilders and stamped by name and with signature of L. Abercrombie; (9) A priority card for Amsterdam women, issued on 28 March 1945, expiring 5 months later, with stamped signatures; (11) "Organisatie van den Luchtbeschermingsgeneeskundigedienst (LBGD)." Stencilled explanation of what happens when aerial defense is set in motion, on 14 one-sided A4 leaves; (12) Cloth armband printed with "Luchtbeschermingsdienst Algemeene Hulp", with stamps of the secretary of Wijk D and the Amsterdam police department - and 22 other ephemeral brochures and leaflets. (total ± 34 items)