Rervm toto orbe gestarvm chronica a Christo nato adnostra vsque tempora
Auctoribvs Eusebio Cæsariensi episcopo, B. Hieronymo presbytero, Sigeberto Gemblacensi monacho, Anselmo Gemblacensi abbate, Auberto Miræo Brvxell. aliisq. Operâ ac studio Aeijusdem Auberti Miraeim (...). Aubert le Mire. Antwerp, H. Verdussen, 1608, (96),420,(3) p., woodcut printer's devices on title and on 2 divisional titles, contemp. mottled calf ("acid-binding"), unidentified gilt supralibros with two crowned towers on both covers, gilt and ribbed spine w. 2 mor. letterpieces, 4to.
As usual partly browned; with old annotation in pen on first free endpaper; else contents good. Spine ends and outer corners dam./worn; spine rubbed and lacking part of letterpiece; joints splitting. Despite its defects an intriguing copy, the supralibros is probably the coat of arms of a (German?) city. Also with library stamp "Bibl. Hageveld" (seminary library, Heemstede) on first free endpaper. Bound with: (2) Summarische Remonstration, Darinn aussgeführet: dass die in Namen der Hertzogen zu Lúnenbourg auffgesetzte und spargirete Supplication in Iuere & FRacto ganss irrig, und auff offenbaren Ungrundt beruhet. Cologne, H. Wöringen, 1636, 84,72,(2) p. And bound with 2 other German-language works.