Pauli Montani (...). Tractatus novus, de jure tutelarum,
et curationum, in quo universa tutelaris materia (...) declaratur, & enucleatur. (...) Cum summariis, & indice (...). Studio & operâ Balthasaris Montani (...). The Hague, J. Tongerloo, 1680, (12),585,(1),(79) p., contemp. vellum, 4to.
Very good copy with minimal defects, with owner's entry of Abraham del Court in pen on first blank. Very rare The Hague imprint, apparently no copies in PiCarta. Dekkers, p. 13. The work by Paulus Montanus (Van den Berghe, c. 1530-1587) was first published posthumously by his brother Balthasar in 1595, and reprinted many times.