[Maritime law] (1) J.M. Barels. Advysen over den koophandel en zeevaert (...)
Amsterdam, H. Gartman, 1780. 2 vols., large 4to, half calf, heavily worn, vol. II lacks front cover and other defects. (2) S. Boulay-Paty. Cours de droit commercial maritime (...). Paris, 1821-1824, 4 vols., 8vo, half leather. Ex library, worn, front cover vol. IV loose. (3) F. Kuijper van Harpen. Verzameling van gewijsden in zaken van zee-assurantie sedert 1839. Amsterdam, 1859, half leather. (4) L.B. Hautefeuille. Histoire du droit maritime international. Paris, Guilaumin & Durand, 1858, half leather. (5) W. Benecke. Treatise on the principles of indemnity in marine insurance (...). London, Baldwin etc., 1824, half leather. (6) W.A. Reiger. Over den volkenregtelijken regel 'Schip is territoir'. Groningen, Huber, 1865, paper cover. (7) L.A.F. Godschalk. Ontijdig schip-verlaten. Dissertation, Amsterdam, 1942, cloth - and 10 more.
All ex library. (total 18)