[VOC. Amboina. Fort Victoria] Debt claim addressed to "den borger Andries Willemsz.",
by the "Secretaris va Justitie" (...) "Geassisteert sijnde met d'ordinaire gecommt.en den bode van Justitie", 1 folio leaf, recto and verso (31 x 19.5 cm), for an amount of "Vierhondert en twintig gulden en 90 stuivers", dated "Amboina [Casteel] Victoria den 9e febr. 1701", with black wax heraldic seal surrounded by the words [in a different hand and lighter ink than the debt claim]: "... van de hanteeckening van de ed. heer Gouverneur Willem van Wijngaarden".
Folds and other minor defects. A well-preserved original VOC document from fort Victoria at Amboina, when Willem van Wijngaarden was governor (1697-1701). Below the seal an extensive addition written in the same hand and ink as the words surrounding the seal, stating that Andries Willemsz. "door sijn onpasselijckheit" cannot fulfill the debt, but is allowed to pay a first term of 70 guilders, with his goods as a pledge to be be locked in a chest sealed with a red lacquer seal, the key handed over to the creditor. This part has three signatures below, unidentified by us (Hs. Croo (?), W.H.D. Bevere (?) and 1 other).