[Botany. Knoop] Pomologia, dat is beschryvingen en afbeeldingen
van de beste zoorten van appels en peeren, welke in Neder-en Hoog-Duitschland, Frankryk, Engeland en elders geagt zyn, en tot dien einde gecultiveert worden. Johann Hermann Knoop. Leeuwarden, A. Ferwerda & G. Tresling, [1790] + Beschryving der vrugtboomen en vrugten + Dendrologia of beschryving der Plantagiegewassen. 3 parts in one vol. Small folio, half leather, spine with title in gilt stamping, rubbed. 36,(2),69,(2),87,(4) pp. Complete with all 39 (VIII,XII,XIX) handcoloured engravings in the first and second volume.
A few (coloured) pencil strokes (probably by a small child) in several places, tear to bottom of p. 22 with no loss to paper. Boards and corners worn. Spine good. Plates in beautiful colouration, in fairly good condition, occ. sm. stain.