Epicteti enchiridium
Cum cebetis thebani tabula, accedunt dempohili similitudines & democratis philosophi aureae sententiaea. Amsterdam, J. Wetstenius, 1750. 143 pp. Greek and Latin. Engr. alleg. title page. Mottled calf, gilt ribbed spine, small 8vo + Historiae Philippicae. Justinian. Amsterdam, J. Wetstenius, 1722. 276, (63) pp. Engr. frontispiece. Mottled calf, ribbed spine, gilt fleurons and gilt mor. letterp., red edges, small 8vo. Leather sl. rubbed, spine ends sl. dam., a few pp. with mild waterst.
Added: Phaedri augusti liberti fabulae aesopiae, cum tribus fabularum. S.W. Schippers. Groningen, I. Römeling, 1821. Contemp. blue wrappers, 8vo. Wrappers sl. worn. (total 3)