[Education] Collection of 15 (handcol.) lithographed illustrations of human actions
Mounted on board, 18.5 x 23.5 cm. (10x) and smaller, ca. 1840-1850, all but a few with indication of the actions in Dutch language below and numbered in upper right corners.
From the series Platen voor het aanschouwelijk onderwijs in Lagere- en Kleine-kinderscholen, by Berend Brugsma, of which the earliest series appeared ca. 1839. Our series possibly prepared for actual use in a classroom. Comprising titles such as "bliksemen, regenen", "graven, planten, harken", "staan", "prediken, hooren", "schrijven, lezen, rekenen", "drinken, zuipen", "maaijen, snijden, dorschen" and "snijden, breken, verscheuren". Added: ca. 50 shaped chromolithographed plates for a doll-dressing game, ca. 1890, all tipped-onto modern lvs.