[Catchpenny prints] 5 Amsterdam imprints: (1) (Robinson Crusoe)
"De geschiedenis, bij welke deze afbeeldingen behooren (...) beschreven door den beroemden kindervriend Campe." Catchpenny print, sheet size 40 x 34 cm, w. 12 woodcuts touched w. colour, all w. extensive letterpress text below, numbered "No. 19" in upper right corner, Amsterdam, Mindermann en Comp, ca. 1820.
Folds, but otherwise a very good copy for this kind of print. De Meyer p. 171, and Hoffers cat. 19. KLKL 339 (Hoffers issue under variant totle). With indication of the third edition in bookform with text by Campe in the second top-line: "De derde druk van dezelve is, in 1815, uitgegeven te Amsterdam, bij J. ten Brink Gz. en J. de Vries". Rare catchpenny print depicting the story of Robinson Crusoe, published by T.C. Hoffers in Rotterdam, for Mindermann in Amsterdam. The illustrations (although unsigned) were newly cut by Christiaan Jacob Schuyling, Hoffers' main woodcutter; (2) "Aanmaning tot de jeugd. Exhortation la jeunesse." Catchpenny print, sheet size 34 x 41 cm, w. 15 woodcuts touched w. colour, all w. 4-line letterpress verse below, numbered "N. 68" in lower right corner, Amsterdam, H. Rynders, ca. 1840, tipped-onto mount at corners. Folds and creased; good copy. Published by Brepols in Turnhout for Rynders in Amsterdam; (3) "Zie leezer! hier verscheidenheid, van bouwmans nutten arrebeid (...)." Catchpenny print, sheet size 40,5 x 33,5 cm., w. 12 handcol. woodcuts (probably by J. Oortman), each w. 2-line letterpress verse below, lettered "D" in upper right corner, Amsterdam, J. Bouwer, ca. 1805. Folds and creases; very good copy. De Meyer p. 265 ff, and Ratelband & Bouwer's cat Nu D. Early catchpenny print published by the firm J. Bouwer & the Widow J. Ratelband for the Dutch educational society "Tot Nut van 't Algemeen", with the woodcut logo in top margin. One of the prints with the address of Johannes Bouwer only, datable between 1805 (the year the widow Ratelband withdrew for the firm) and 1809 (the year the name D. Jolle was added to the address). And 2 similar others. (total 5)