[Husbandry] La nouvelle maison rustique,
ou Économie generale de tous les biens de Campagne: la maniere de les entretenir & de les multiplier; donnée ci-devant au public par le Sieur Liger. Cinquème edition, augmentée (...) avec (...) l'apoticairerie (...). Enrichie de figures en taille-douce par M. *** (= Henri Besnier). Louis Liger. Paris, Saugrain Fils, 1740, 2 vols., (14),970; (6),999,(1) p., with engr. frontisp., 23 engr. plates (some fold., 1x with movable part) and woodcut ills. in the text, contemp. unif. calf, gilt and ribbed spine w. mor. letterpieces, 4to.
One plate opposite p. 293 in the second vol. apparently only present with the right-hand illustration (perhaps on purpose for this edition); most plates loosening. Vol. 1 lower joint splitting in top compartment; three spine ends and most outer corners showing. Acceptable copy. Rare edition, we could not verify if the number of plates is correct, but we did find a 4th edition with 23 plates. The work, covering all aspects of the countryside household at the time, was tremendously popular, going through many editions during the 18th century. The first edition appeared in 1700.