
LOT 930
SOLD €450,00

[Town book] Ausfürliche und grundrichtige Beschreibung der Freyvereinigten Staaten

und Spannischen Niederlanden, in gewisse und sonderbare XVII Länder abgetheilet (...). Frankfurt and Leipzig, Christoph Riegel, 1691. Overlapping vellum with tie, 12mo, folding illustrated frontispiece, (5),1078,(8) pp.

Complete with 120 full-page engravings with fortifications, city maps and cityscapes (± 6 x 11 cm). Shabby binding, frontispiece pasted and stained, inside tanned. First edition of this topographic and historical description of the Netherlands with the typical mini engravings by Riegel. Lacks the "accurate Land-Carte" as mentioned on the title page, which was published separately in the same year but was never added to the book due to its size.

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