[Leo Belgicus] Famiano Strada. De bello Belgico
Decas prima. Ab excessu Caroli V. Imp. usque ad initia Praefecturae Alexandri Farnesii (...). Editio novissima, emendatior & accuratior/Decas secunda. Ab initio praefecturae Alexandri Farnesii (...) anno MDLXXVIII. usque ad annum MDXC. Rome, H. Scheus (= Amsterdam, J. Janssonius)/heirs of F. Cornbelletti (= Amsterdam, J. Janssonius), 1648, 2 vols., (8),520,(126); (12),642,(88) p., vol. 1: with engr. frontisp., fold. Leo Belgicus map (18.5 x 13.5 cm) and 13 portraits; vol. 2: engr. frontisp. (Leo Belgicus map, 13 x 7.5 cm) and 11 portraits, contemp. unif. overlapping vellum, 12mo.
Vol. 1: Map with narrow margins, sm. tear on fold, else fine. Minor other defects. Vol. 2: Bookblock almost loose. Both vols. partly (vaguely) waterst. Good, complete set. Besides the interesting Leo Belgicus maps, the beautiful tiny type that Janssonius used (especially for the marginal notes and parts like the introduction in italic) makes this edition very attractive. (total 2)