[Criminology. Jacob Frederik Muller] Uitvoerig verhaal van alle feyten en schelmstukken
Gepleegt door Jacob Frederik Muller. Alias Jaco; als mede zyn proces crimineel en vonnis uitgesproken tot Amsterdam in den jare 1717. Den vierde druk, van vele drukfouten verbeetert en met veele omstandigheden vermeerdert. Amsterdam, J. de Ruyter, n.d. (ca. 1743), 29,(3) pp., etched frontisp. portrait, later stapled wr., sm. 8vo.
Variant edition: NCC lists a single copy of the fourth edition by Johannes de Ruyter, dated 1743, which is digitized by Google. That dated variant has no portrait and the rest of the work has different typesetting compared to our edition. Confusingly enough, another version (UB Amsterdam) digitized by Google is another copy of our version, but indicated as "gedrukt voor Abraham Cornelis, boekverkooper, aan den Overtoom, 1760." The disappearance of PiCarta as a separate search-engine this year, unfortunately complicates the search for physical copies and variants of editions in Dutch libraries. Anyhow, all known editions are very rare. The story of the culprit appealed to and was exaggerated by the audience for centuries to follow. It inspired authors such as Justus van Maurik Jacob. Jacob Frederik Muller is unjustly considered to be the most notorious villain Amsterdam ever knew. In 1716, he was conviced to death by the Amsterdam court for 7 crimes, not one of which took place in Amsterdam itself. He was mangled on the wheel. Cf. Frans Thuijs, Op zoek naar de ware Jaco: Jacob Frederik Muller, alias Jaco (1690-1718), zijn criminele wereld, zijn berechting en de mythe na zijn dood (2007).