[Gelderland] Convolute: (1) Bommelia Obsessa,
ab Hispanis Ex. Duce Francisco de Mendoza Aragoniae Adm. Conservata Armis Ord. Belg. Foed. Ductu Principis Mauritii Nassovii 1599. The siege and defense of Zaltbommel, double-folio leaf from a Latin ed. of "het stedenboek" by Joan Blaeu. Amsterdam. 1649, w. some fort. along the Waal and Maas near Zaltbommel. (2) Bommel. G.G. Priorato. 1673, col. (3) Harderwich. Priorato. 1673. (4) Wageningen. Blaeu. 1649, cropped short and (5-6) 2x Elburg. Blaeu, 1649 w. fort. and view on one leaf; of which one col.
(total 6)