Four French titles: (1) (Ch. Cotolendi). Arlequiniana ou Les bons mots,
les histoires plaisantes & agréables recueillies des conversations d'Arlequin. "Suivant la Copie. A Paris Chez Florentin & Pierre De Laulne et chez Michel Brunet" (probably printed in Belgium), 1708, (34),211,(5) pp., w. engr. frontisp. by Harrewyn, and woodcut vignette dep. an armillary sphere on title-p., simple marbled wr., 12mo.
Paper over spine worn and torn at upper hinge (good holding). Rare edition, no copies in Dutch libraries, one copy in a Belgian Library (Gent). This edition is often described (also by libraries) as being published by De Laulne and Brunet, like the first Paris edition of 1694 with the same three names in the address. But according to our title-p., this edition only follows the Paris edition. The frontispiece is copied by Harrewyn (who worked in Brussels at the time) from the original edition. Therefore, we think that it must be printed in Belgium (the armillary sphere on the title page is also an indication). (2) P. de Bourdeille. Memoires de messire Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantome, contenant les vies des dames galantes de son temps. Leyden, J. Sambix le Jeune, 1699, 2 vols., (8),387; 432 pp., contemp. unif. speckled galf, gil and ribbed spine w. renewed leather letterpiece, 12mo. First few lvs. of the first vol. dam. in upper inner corner; otherwise, this vol. is stained, has renewed lower endpapers and skillfully restored lower joint. Both vols. with bookplate of the Bibliotheca Woogiana (Moritz Carl Christian Woog, 1684-1760) engr. by Boëtius on upper pastedown. And 1 other by Le Pays (Amst., 1674). (total 3)