Seven works in 5 vols.: (1-3) Convolute of 3 works
(1) H. Noris. Paraenesis ad Joannem Hardouinum S.J.P. opus postumum (...). Amst., P. Marret, 1709, (32),264 p., title printed in red an black and w. engr. title-vignette, contemp. calf, gilt and ribbes spine w. mor letterpiece, sm. 8vo.
Convolute partly w. narrow waterst. in blank lower margin. Upper joints split but good holding on cords; lower joints starting. Owner's entry of (Dom?) F. Fulgentius Disclijn of Affligem, dated 1787 and w. his notes in pen on first free endpaper. Henri Noris (1631-1701), Austin friar, under-librarian of the Vatican library and Cardinal (1695), was accused of Jansenism by the Jesuits (cf. Hoefer vol., 38, p. 260-261). Jean Hardouin (1646-1729), Jesuit and scholar, librarian of the Collège Louis le Grand, is remembered as the originator of a variety of paradoxical theories. Bound with: (2) J. Hardouin. Dissertatio epistolica Latine et Gallice scripta super nummis antiquis duobus Tetricorum et Diocletiani Augustorum. Luxemburg, A. Chevalier, 1704, 55 pp., engr. title-vignette. And bound with: (3) G. Mackenzie. De humanae ratiocinationis imbecillitate (...). Utr., F. Halma, 1690, (6),50 pp., woodcut printer's device on title. The original edition. George Mackenzie (1636-1691), Scottish lawyer and man of letters, surnamed "Bloody Mackenzie", played an important part in the politics of his time. And 4 other Latin works, all 12mo sized and bound in vellum, by Bouricius (Leeuw., 1643), Gronovius (Deventer, 1651), Perezius (Leyden, 1689, w. owner's entry of Hilarius Gerardus Poell from Venlo, dated 1764) and Wendelin (Amst., 1645). (total 7 works in 5 vols.)