[Picture books] Nineteen Dutch books and prints: (1) J. Swift. Gulliver's reizen
naar Lilliput en Brodignac. Bew. H.J. Overbeek. Haarlem, De Haan, (1885). Lithographed boards and 12 lithogr. full-page plates. Hcl. Upper innner hinges and quires loose. (2) F.H. van Lent. ABC prentenboek. Alkmaar, Kluitman, c. 1890. Lithogr. paper wrappers. (3) Billie Ritchie en zijn ezel. Prentjes van D.A. Bueno de Mesquita. Amst., (1918). Dec. board. Oblong. Spine dam. and other def. (4) 9 chromolithogr. children's prints. 24 x 18 cm. Late 19th cent. -and 9 more, incl. smaller booklets.
(total 19)