[Picture books] 13 German titles: Heinrich Moser & Ulrich Kollbrunner. Jugendland
(1) Ein Buch für die junge Welt und ihre Freunde. Band I. München etc., Künzli, 1901. 1st ed. Decorated hcl. Sm. folio. Charming Jugendstil children's book. Cover worn. (2) Was unser Baby wissen muss. N.p., n.d., circa 1900. Half cloth with decorated boards. sm. folio.
(3) Albert Sixtus. Im wunderbare Puppenlande. Bilder von Ernst Kutzer. Leipzig, circa 1950. 1st ed. Half cloth. Sm. oblong. (4) Globus Verwandlungs-abziehbilder. Circa 1920. Booklet with colouring game. (5) Ziehbilderbuch von Hilde Langen. Moveable book. 1948. -and 8 more. (total 13)