
LOT 3001
SOLD €100,00

Surrealism. Three pamphlets from 1947

Includes: Pas de quartiers dans la révolution! Brussels, June 7 1947. 28 x 22 cm, 4 pp. Manifesto from the Belgian Surrealist group criticizing the laxness of the larger Surrealist movement. Signed by Marcel Broodthaers, Arents, Dotremont, Magritte and many others. Fine rare copy. OCLC locates only one sample at the Bibliothéque Nationale de Paris.

+ Invitation à la première conférence internationale du Surréalisme Révolutionnaire. Brussels, October 10 1947. 22 x 13.5 cm, 4 pp. Printed red on beige paper. Announcement of the first conference of the Belgian Revolutionary Surrealist group. Good copy, folded for sending purposes. + Manifeste des Surréalistes-Révolutionnaires en France, 1947. 27.5 x 21.5 cm, 4 pp. Tract against André Breton, published in Summer 1947 and co-signed by the members of the Surréalisme-Révolutionnaire movement such as Suzanne Allen, Noël Arnaud, Édouard Jaguer. Very good copy.

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