Bohumila Grögerová, Josef Hiršal, Ctyri Basne 1965
Prague, UB (Alois Chvála), 1965. Two concrete poetry booklets with the same design by Josef Hiršal (1920-2003) and Bohumila Grögerová (1921-2014) who are considered the 'parents' of the concrete and experimental poetry in the Czech republic. Both titled ?ty?i básn? (Four Poems), each 15.5 x 11 cm, 8 pp. printed in black and blue.
Hiršal's copy has no wrapper, Grögerová's publication has a thick paper wrapper monogrammed BG. Browning on wrapper (inside and outside). Grögerová is included in the recently issued book Women in Concrete Poetry anthology by Primary Information, though this particular title is not mentioned in her cv (only Hirshal's publication is reported). Very rare. OCLC records only 2 copies in the USA (one at Princeton).