Cres publications Amsterdam
The Cres Artists’ Collective was established in 1976 by Johan Cornelissen, Peter Mertens, Jan Nederveen and Rob Nypels, who all studied at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. In 1978 they began publishing their bimonthly art journal Cres, to which artists were invited to contribute.
This lot features 5 Cres booklets: Jan Nederveen, July 1978; Rob Nypels, Sept 1978; Johan Cornelissen, Nov 1978; John Liggins, May 1979; Harry de Kroon, Nov 1979. Each 21 x 15 cm + 1 Cres box (19.5 x 14 cm x 3 cm) containing cards and an audio cassette for the project 'Transposed Environment' by Madelon Hooykaas and Elsa Stansfield, Jan 1980 + Added: Booklet by Hans Eyckelboom, project for Gammazine 6, 1978. (total 6)