Raoul Vaneigem, Robert Dehoux and some Situationist pamphlets
(1) Five publications by the Belgian writer Vaneigem. In 1961, he joined the S.I. and remained a member until his resignation in November 1970. Includes 'Treatise on living for the use of the younger generation'. Originally published in 1967, the critique of modern capitalism kindled the May 1968 upheavals in France. This copy was published by the American section of the S.I. and has a funny handwritten addition on the first page alluding to Vaneigem's split from the S.I. + Two copies of 'The Totality for Kids', first published in Internationale Situationniste Nos. 7 and 8 1962-1963. One copy by Christopher Gray, plus a pirate version with black cover, printed on blue paper + 2 more by Vaneigem.
(2) Robert Dehoux and Claire Shock, 'Teilhard est un Con', containing radical critique of society from a Belgian political circle associated with the S.I. Beautiful first edition from 1962 with silver cover interior and an inserted black carbon sheet. (3) Four classic pamphlets published by S.I.: The Poor & The Superpoor, Aux Poubelles de la Gloire, La Grande Famine en Irlande and Address to the revolutionaries of Algeria and of all countries, an essay in 5 languages. (total 10)