Encyclopedie des Nuisances 1984-1992
Almost complete set of the magazine (No.1-15 all published), only missing No.7, with No.15 in facsimile. Softcover, 21.5 x 28 cm, between 20-30 pp. each, text in French. Edited by François Martin (Nos.1-7) and Jaime Semprun (No.7 onwards).
Founded in 1984 by Jaime Semprun and the ex-situationist Christian Sebastiani, L'Encyclopedie des Nuisances (The Encyclopedia of Nuisances) was both a group and the name of this group's journal. The Encyclopedia of Nuisances was criticized as a form of 'situationism' by several hard line Situationists and by Guy Debord himself, who nevertheless contributed three essays before breaking off relations. Covers show moderate rubbing, interiors fine. (total 14)