NY East Village 1980s
21 cards from the bustling East Village scene. Includes (1) 5 cards from
Avenue B comprising 'Feminists & Misogynists Together At Last' 1985 and 'The Best of the East Village' 1986 among others. (2) Gracie Mansion, 2 group shows, featuring Claudia DeMonte, Mike Bidlo, David Wojnarowicz, Rhonda Zwillinger et al.
(3) Mary Oberning at Annina Nosei. (4) Group show at No Se No. (5) Richard Kalina at Piezo Electric. (6) Nightmare, group show at E.7th St. Gallery with Dan Asher, Ellen Berkenblitt, Milan Kunc, Peter Schuyff et al, with an opening party at Pyramid. (7) CBGB postcard. (8) Plus 9 more. (total 21)