[Bodoni] Three works of Italian poetry: (1) G. Rosini. La poesia, la musica e la danza.
Versi di Giovanni Rosini. Parma, "co' tipi Bodoniani", 1796, (8),30 p., contemp. (orig.?) plain stiff paper wr., a.e.g., sm. 8vo.
Wr. sl. foxed. A fine large paper copy. With all the sought-after characteristics of the Bodoni firm, known for its excuisitely produced printed works. The first edition, printed with a beautiful tiny type, with an ultra-sleek layout and on fine, high-quality paper. Brooks 629. (2) D. Gregorio Cerati. La Genesi, Versione di monsignor D. Gregorio Cerati gia Vescovo di Piazenza. Ibid., idem, 1807, (2),LIX,(3),260,(3) p., contemp. boards, sm. 8vo (boards a few rubbed spots). First edition. Brooks 1018. And 1 other sm. Bodoni publication. (total 3)