[Literary avant-garde] "Chusim (Ben Berak)"
'Den Hulp-Boeteprediker’. ‘Herwonnen Levenskracht’: boek der moeders, overgenomen uit het Sepher Chasidim oftewel Boek der Vromen uit het Sepher Chasidim oftwel Boek der Vromen II. Zeist, J.T. Swartsenburg, 1916. ‘1000 ste duizendtal’ [= 1st and only ed.]. Decorated paper wr. with loose remnant dust.-j. Small 8vo. 94 pp. Bookplate Dr I.S. Meerschwam.
*Dutch Dada/Surrealism/Literary obscurity, written just prior to the likewise obscure 'Over het bestaan van de periodieke voedingsverschillen der plant door Chusim (Ben Berak)’ published by Swartenburg, 1916. *See Zwiggelaar Auctions, auction 26, lot 234.
Almost certainly written by the same author, according to the only known review on both books in Het Vaderland 13 juni 1916: ‘ De schrijver toch — want al noemen de titels twee schuilnamen, blijkens den inhoud verstopt zich daar toch één persoon achter.’ With contents that remind of Alfred Jarry the author seems to create a pastiche with focus on the Jewish mystical and naturopathic theories. Hiding behind this pseudonym may be Erich Wichmann or Theo van Doesburg. In online fora the names of Franco-Dutch Symbolist Leonard Sarluis and the Amsterdam writing market trader ‘Professor Kakodorus’ have also surfaced. (Not in KB)